Thursday, June 7, 2012

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Drones

One of the things I'd like to do with this blog is provide links to what other commentators are saying about liberty-related matters, and today I'd like to take a look at what Judge Andrew Napolitano has to say about military surveillance drones being used to spy on Americans. Here is the link:

Let's focus on one paragraph in particular that mentions Christianity and its relationship to liberty:

The Judeo-Christian and constitutionally mandated relationship between government power and individual liberty is not balance. It is bias -- a bias in favor of liberty. All presumptions should favor the natural rights of individuals, not the delegated and seized powers of the government. Individual liberty, not government power, is the default position because persons are immortal and created in God's image, and governments are temporary and based on force.

As I've mentioned elsewhere in this blog (and indeed, will continue to mention), far too many Christians eagerly buy into this notion that, if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear. This is patently false! Do you really want golf-ball size military surveillance cameras peering into your bedroom window? Into your daughter's bedroom window? Flying over and taking shots of your wife sunbathing by the pool? Do you want a S.W.A.T. team showing up at your door because the weeds in your bushes resemble marijuana to the drone's computers?

The Social Compact is a lie (the Social Compact being the belief that you must give up liberty in the name of safety). Christians have as much right to demand freedom as non-Christians. Even if we live our lives without any hint of impurity (Eph. 5:3), we do not need to sacrifice our freedoms in the name of a so-called War on Terror, or War on Drugs, or whatever they're declaring war on today.

Call your senator or congressman and let your voice be heard! Tell him or her that you do not want military surveillance drones flying over your neighborhood! Just follow this link:

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